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Jung Interpreter

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Generate in-depth and customised reports for any Jung based instrument

The Jung Interpreter is a software package designed to provide a generic reporting facility for instruments, questionnaires, interviews, and self analysis techniques derived from Jung's theory of personality types. The program provides professionally written reports on twenty three dimensions that are likely to be of concern to users working in selection, training, counselling, team building, and self development.

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Click for more on the Jung Interpreter


General Characteristics
Conceptual Approach
Action Orientation
Decision Making
Problem Solving
Approach to Work
Work Standards
Value Orientation
Interpersonal Relations
Communication Style
Management Style
Team Functioning
Ideal Working Conditions
As a Subordinate
Strategic Orientation
Dealing with Change
Learning Style
Vocational Preferences
Personal Relationships
Behaviour as Children
Recreational Interests


pulse button blue_pulse_sm_clr.gif (818 bytes)    Professionally written non-proprietry reports.

pulse button blue_pulse_sm_clr.gif (818 bytes)     Create personalised reports using any combination of title and name.

pulse button blue_pulse_sm_clr.gif (818 bytes)     Gender sensitive reports adopt text to the gender of the candidate.

pulse button blue_pulse_sm_clr.gif (818 bytes)     Use checkboxs to identify dimensions and levels of interpretation required

pulse button blue_pulse_sm_clr.gif (818 bytes)     Produce fully formatted reports on the fly or paste to your word processor.

pulse button blue_pulse_sm_clr.gif (818 bytes)     Update system interpretation files with your own information and content.

pulse button blue_pulse_sm_clr.gif (818 bytes)     Once of cost - no per report charges.


Customise reporting at any stage.

Jung process.gif (12395 bytes)

Click here to see a Jung report


Click here to see how easy it is to generate a report.